mum i wish i was dead

What happens when you speak to primary school kids about their mental health?

When I was asked to speak to years 5 and 6, from a local primary school about their mental health and wellbeing, I had no idea what to expect. However, what I took away from that day is something everyone needs to know.

To give some context, a few months ago I spoke to the year 10 students from a local high-school, as well as their teachers. Something I have done many times before. One of the people there that day was the assistant head of the senior preparatory school. Knowing all too well the situations of his students he knew that something like this was needed for them.

Mum, I wish I was dead - A parents perspective | Mental As - ABC Radio - Jessica Bineth

As part of the ABC's Mental As programming, Jessica Bineth interviewed both mum and dad, to help give a parents perspective on my depression. It also sheds light on how a mental illness can affect more than just the sufferer.


"He called me into his room very upset one morning and said, 'mummy my heart is black, my body is full of anger and I wish I was dead'."

The road to recovery shouldn't be so dark | Niamh Slevin - The Australia Times GIVE magazine

Mental illness is often an uncomfortable topic for many as people have a lack of understanding or cannot comprehend. It is essential to share the facts and talk openly about experiences in order to equip others with knowledge and fight the stigma attached to mental illness that directly impacts on those affected.

“I told mum my heart is black, my body is full of anger and I want to die”

Will the Kids be Alright? - Discussion panel

Earlier today I had the pleasure of sitting alongside Dr. Arne Rubinstein and Joanne Fedler for the SJWF, moderated by Kim Slender.

We shared our insights to the general question 'Will the Kids be Alright?'. In the hour we managed to cover teenagers, technology, well-being, parenting, relationships, and communication. As it was a writers festival we all related back to our respective books. Arne's new book The Making of Men, Joanne's Love in the Time of Contempt, and my mum, i wish i was dead.

Live Interview with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand National

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Kathryn Ryan for Radio New Zealand National. Not only did we discuss my book 'mum, i wish i was dead', we went into detail about the tools I use to maintain my health, the importance of persistence, struggles with suicide, the effects depression has on family, friends and school, what it's like to wear the "mask" to try and fit in, as well as much more.

Courage in the face of depression – The AJN – Phoebe Roth

FOR many months during his teenage years, Adam Schwartz could hardly get out of bed, let alone leave the house. He would cry himself to sleep every night, and couldn’t bring himself to look in the mirror in the morning.

Schwartz, now 24, traces his crippling battle with depression back to when he was 10.

“Mum reminds me that I said to her one day, ‘My heart is black, my body is full of anger, and I wish I was dead.’ At 10,” he tells The AJN.

Book shops restocked with 'mum, i wish i was dead'

Just over 2 weeks ago, all book shops had sold out of 'mum, i wish i was dead'. It's exciting to announce that the second print run has arrived and is now available as a hard copy in all good book shops as well as online stores. The only place to purchase a signed hard copy is through

Michael McGirr reviews mum, i wish i was dead for the SMH

Article written by Michael McGirr for The Sydney Morning Herald - He reviews 3 new books relating to depression. 'mum, i wish i was dead', 'Reasons to Stay Alive', and 'The good Greek Girl'.

"Each of these three personal memoirs has elements that are truly frightening. They all describe a pain so intense and surly that the writer was prepared to die just to get a break from its irrational demands.Yet the very existence of these books is proof of a victory, if that's the right word."