
Mental Health Commission - Adam's Story

Adam Schwartz was just 10 years old when depression took hold of him for the first time. He can remember describing the feeling to his mother, saying his heart was ‘black’ and his body ‘full of anger’.


“It was a huge weight off my shoulders. For so long I had felt like my depression was a choice,” Adam explains.

RUOK Day | Who have you asked?

I received a call this afternoon from a friend of mine. She read my post about the importance of listening, and followed the links that provided tips on how to have a conversation about someone you’re concerned with. After asking “are you okay?” she was met with an “I’m fine”. When it was pushed, it was met with aggression.

She asked me:

“What can I do? How can I get someone I care for to acknowledge something isn’t right?”

Mum, I wish I was dead - A parents perspective | Mental As - ABC Radio - Jessica Bineth

As part of the ABC's Mental As programming, Jessica Bineth interviewed both mum and dad, to help give a parents perspective on my depression. It also sheds light on how a mental illness can affect more than just the sufferer.


"He called me into his room very upset one morning and said, 'mummy my heart is black, my body is full of anger and I wish I was dead'."

Black Dog Institute interview - Sharing my experiences and insights with suicide | ABC News - Heads Up campaign

A few weeks ago I did an interview with the Black Dog Institute discussing my experience with suicide, suicidal thoughts and ideations, how I got to such a dark place, and the importance of hope.

It's mainly been used for educational purposes in a program that is being designed for GP's to better understand suicide.

Will the Kids be Alright? - Discussion panel

Earlier today I had the pleasure of sitting alongside Dr. Arne Rubinstein and Joanne Fedler for the SJWF, moderated by Kim Slender.

We shared our insights to the general question 'Will the Kids be Alright?'. In the hour we managed to cover teenagers, technology, well-being, parenting, relationships, and communication. As it was a writers festival we all related back to our respective books. Arne's new book The Making of Men, Joanne's Love in the Time of Contempt, and my mum, i wish i was dead.

Black Dog Institute’s ‘Expert Insights’ Forum – Adolescent Mental Health

The Black Dog Institute hosts a series of monthly Expert Insight forums for GP's and professionals in mental health. It was a pleasure to be on the panel with Dr. Josephine Anderson, Dr. Yael Perry, and Dr. Lexine Stapinski, to have an open discussion about the latest research, technologies, and developments in adolescent mental health; moderated by Dr. Vered Gordon.