For Professionals

This section of resources is tailored for people in a professional role or environment that are looking for more information to help promote, discuss and manage mental health. This includes teachers, educational settings such as universities or schools, employers, all work environments as well as people who are trained to professionally treat others with their mental health. Each resource is briefly described and although similar, each website offers their own perspective, assistance and information.

If you are specifically concerned about another person’s or your own mental health, see the Individuals or Family, Friends & Carers resource sections.




1300 22 4636


  • beyondblue suicide prevention resource is for anyone that is searching for more information on preventing suicide. The information is extensive and covers emergency situations, understanding suicide, bereavement support, appropriate language and more.
  • beyondblue publications resource is a good starting point for anyone searching for resources on a variety of mental health issues. It is an easy to use search engine that sweeps beyondblue’s base of resources and information.
  • beyondblue schools resource is a good place for teachers, students and anyone in an educational setting. It provides information and tools on how to facilitate programs that allow the discussion of mental health and increasing awareness of it in the schooling environment.
  • beyondblue health professionals resource is a good place for medical professionals who may have to work and treat people with a mental illness. The information is designed to support you and better equip you with tools to help support your patients.




1800 55 1800

Kids Helpline

  • Kids Helpline teachers resource is a good resource for teachers who are searching for information and ideas of how to structure a lesson and in class conversation about bullying, both at school and online




13 11 14


  • Lifeline tools resource is a good place for anyone who wants to increase their self-awareness and knowledge base of mental health. It provides a mental health quiz, a coping kit, tool kits and fact sheets.




1300 659 467

Suicide Call Back Service




1800 650 890


  • headspace what works resource is for professionals who work with young people, and anyone else who is looking for details of existing research in youth mental health.
  • headspace research resource is a good place that provides information on latest research, statistics and evidence in the field of mental health. There is an easy to use search bar to help you find what information you are looking for.
  • headspace school support resource is a program that works with school communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from suicide. It is an initiative funded by the Federal Government, Department of Health.
  • headspace location resource is the place to go to find the physical location of headspace centres across the country and the ones that are nearest to you.




1300 789 978

MensLine Australia




1300 286 463

Mind Australia

  • Mind Australia offers a range of training and education courses for clients, their families and the broader community. Mind Australia peer training resource is a good place to improve your knowledge of mental illness and better equip yourself with tools to help support those in need.
  • Mind Australia peer work resource is a great place for both professionals and people who care for others who suffer from mental illness. It redirects to further information and support specifically for carers and professionals.
  • Mind Australia mental ill-health resource is for anyone who is searching for more information on mental illness. It covers the major illness and gives a brief overview of the details on each one.




1800 18 7263

SANE Australia

  • SANE Australia help resource is their online help service which is for specific mental health related questions. They usually respond within several working days.
  • SANE Australia health professionals resource is a good place for any health professional that may have clients with mental health concerns.
  • SANE Australia employers resource is a great place for any employer to find out more information about mental health and the workplace.
  • The Mindful Employer program was initiated by SANE Australia and is a great place for employers to get support and information on mental health in the workplace. They provide eLearning and face to face training options for workplaces across Australia.




Black Dog Institute

  • Black Dog Institute helping others resource is a good place for people who are concerned about the wellbeing of a friend, family member, colleague, or loved one. The information provides some tools that may help better equip you through this process.
  • Black Dog Institute professionals resource is a good place for professionals that work in the mental health area or have patients that may suffer with a mental illness. The information is aimed to provide you with tools, knowledge and understanding to better equip you to support those in need.
  • Black Dog Institute fact sheets resource is a great place for anyone who wants more information on a variety of mental health topics. The fact sheets are full of useful information. Some of the topics covered are depression, bi-polar, staying well, mood charts and more.
  • Black Dog Institute psychological toolkit resource is a collection of practical information available for health professionals to assist in the management of mental illnesses in their clinical work. The material includes questionnaires to assist health professionals in the assessment of depression, charts to assist with treatment protocols, tools for self-monitoring, exercises for patients, and more.
  • The Black Dog Institute is internationally recognised as a leader in researching the early detection, prevention and treatment of common mental health disorders. Black Dog Institute key research resource provides information on the 7 key areas the institute focusses on. Suicide prevention, e-mental health, workplace mental health, prevention in young people, novel approaches, trauma, and knowledge translation.
  • Black Dog Institute workplaces resource is a great place for both employees and employers who want to help increase awareness and understanding of mental health in their workplace.
  • Black Dog Institute community resource is a great place for anyone who wants to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in their community.
  • Black Dog Institute schools resource is a great place for teachers or anyone in an education environment that wants to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in their place of learning.




COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness)

  • COPMI professionals resource is a good place for professionals that support and look after people with a mental illness. This includes emergency services, general practitioners, youth workers and family lawyers. It provides information in your field to better equip you with tools to help support individuals and families that are affected by mental illness.
  • COPMI schools resource is a good place for teachers and schooling professionals to help better equip you with tools that are needed to support children and teenagers who are affected by mental illness in their family. It also provides information on how to promote mental health awareness within schools.
  • COPMI advice resource is a good place for professionals and the general public to further increase their awareness, understanding and knowledge on areas regarding mental health.






  • HeadsUp workplace resource is a great place for anyone in the workplace, especially employers. The information covers a wide range of areas including general information, the financial cost of mental health, how to develop an action plan and more.
  • HeadsUp supporting others resource is a good place for anyone in a workplace to help increase your knowledge, awareness and understanding of mental health at work. The information covers having a conversation, supporting a colleague and more.
  • HeadsUp training resource is a good place for anyone in a workplace that wants to gain further resources and information or organise training for the workplace to better understand and speak about mental health.

  • ReachOut professionals resource is a great place for people working in the mental health industry, or supporting those who suffer with a mental illness. It is easy to navigate and covers a variety of areas. Including professional development, teaching and learning for schools, apps, and more.





  • RUOK stories resource is a good place for anyone who has doubts about the power of a question. It provides many shared stories about the impact and change asking “are you ok?” can have on a life. It also allows you to share your experiences. It can be a great way to help reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness that come with a mental illness. It also is a good way to encourage people to stop and ask a genuine question.
  • RUOK events resource is a good place for anyone who wants to help start a conversation or organise a community event to spread the word and encourage open conversations about mental health.
  • RUOK school resource is a good place for teachers or anyone that is involved with young people. It provides resources that help facilitate conversation and awareness of mental health in a school environment. Scroll down for the school option.
  • RUOK university resource is a good place for university students, and staff who want help promote awareness. The resources help you organise and structure and RUOK campaign within a university environment, encouraging and helping facilitate students to start a conversation. Scroll down for the uni option.
  • RUOK workplace resource is a good place for employees and employers in a work environment. The resources help facilitate conversations and increase awareness of mental health in the work place. Scroll down for the work option.








Australian Psychological Society (APS)

  • APS practitioner resource is a great place for professionals to gain more information on a variety of areas. This provides information on practice essentials, funded programs, ethics, Medicare and much more.
  • APS topics resource is a good place for people who want to gain more information on issues that can have an effect on a person’s mental health or specific mental illnesses. The information covers depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, stress, environmental problems and many more.