
Black Dog Institute & David Jones | Exercise your mood

It's great to be a part of the campaign launched between Black Dog Institute and David Jones kicking off with #exerciseyourmood month.

Exercise is just one of the important lifestyle changes that can be made to improve overall well-being. It's one of the tools I still use to maintain both my physical and mental health.

White Ribbon Day

I’ve always found myself in the company of women, strong women, smart women, successful women. Women have been the cause of some of the greatest lessons I’ve ever learned. They have been a huge influence on my character, beliefs and values. Women are some of my best and longest friends.

I owe women a lot. After all, I wouldn’t be the man I am today without the women in my life.

Young People’s Human Rights Medal

I was both surprised and honoured when told about being selected as a finalist for the Australian Young People's Human Rights medal.

More so, I was deeply humbled to find out the group of inspiring young Australians I was a part of.

Movember | 'Tis the season to be moe-y... Fa la la la la, la la la la

November, for us in the southern part of the world summer is only around the corner, while up north the chills of winter are creeping in. Christmas decorations are starting to make their early appearance in shopping centres, and upper lips are starting to gain more and more hair as the days go by.

It's the glorious time of year that can only be known as Movember, and I finally got my act together and set up my page. Yay for organisation!

Sad taboo: Can We Talk Newcastle forum brings dark subject of mental health and suicide to the light | The Sunday Telegraph

Schwartz, now 25 and Taylor, 24, told their excruciatingly personal stories of mental ill-health at The Sunday Telegraph’s Can We Talk forum in Newcastle on Tuesday.

For both young people, the key to survival was finding the courage to tell their parents the truth about their feelings — and then trying several mental health professionals until they found one who ‘clicked’.

Heads Up: Young Black Dog volunteers share their personal battles with mental health | ABC News

I'm fortunate to be alongside 11 other amazing young people who have openly shared their stories, not just amongst friends, but to a national audience. For some, this may seem like a dream, however for others, it's the complete opposite; even acknowledging it within themselves, or being open with their loved ones can take years, let alone being ready to share with the country.

It is a true reflection on the recovery, strength, and wellness of all these individuals.

Black Dog Institute interview - Sharing my experiences and insights with suicide | ABC News - Heads Up campaign

A few weeks ago I did an interview with the Black Dog Institute discussing my experience with suicide, suicidal thoughts and ideations, how I got to such a dark place, and the importance of hope.

It's mainly been used for educational purposes in a program that is being designed for GP's to better understand suicide.

RUOK Day | It’s more than just asking a question

Every now and then I ask my friends from overseas what they’ve learnt from the ‘eloquently rich and diverse’ Australian language since they arrived.

Generally, there are the uniquely Aussie (this is one of the words!) phrases such as bogandrop bearsand Maccas. We also try to shorten as many words as possible by adding an ‘o’ or ‘ies’ to the end; arvo, servo, vego, sunnies, boardies, mozzies, etc. A mate can be a best friend or a complete stranger, and of course the most valuable lesson is realising that thongs are something you wear on your feet.

Will the Kids be Alright? - Discussion panel

Earlier today I had the pleasure of sitting alongside Dr. Arne Rubinstein and Joanne Fedler for the SJWF, moderated by Kim Slender.

We shared our insights to the general question 'Will the Kids be Alright?'. In the hour we managed to cover teenagers, technology, well-being, parenting, relationships, and communication. As it was a writers festival we all related back to our respective books. Arne's new book The Making of Men, Joanne's Love in the Time of Contempt, and my mum, i wish i was dead.

Black Dog Institute’s ‘Expert Insights’ Forum – Adolescent Mental Health

The Black Dog Institute hosts a series of monthly Expert Insight forums for GP's and professionals in mental health. It was a pleasure to be on the panel with Dr. Josephine Anderson, Dr. Yael Perry, and Dr. Lexine Stapinski, to have an open discussion about the latest research, technologies, and developments in adolescent mental health; moderated by Dr. Vered Gordon.