
Sad taboo: Can We Talk Newcastle forum brings dark subject of mental health and suicide to the light | The Sunday Telegraph

Schwartz, now 25 and Taylor, 24, told their excruciatingly personal stories of mental ill-health at The Sunday Telegraph’s Can We Talk forum in Newcastle on Tuesday.

For both young people, the key to survival was finding the courage to tell their parents the truth about their feelings — and then trying several mental health professionals until they found one who ‘clicked’.

Heads Up: Young Black Dog volunteers share their personal battles with mental health | ABC News

I'm fortunate to be alongside 11 other amazing young people who have openly shared their stories, not just amongst friends, but to a national audience. For some, this may seem like a dream, however for others, it's the complete opposite; even acknowledging it within themselves, or being open with their loved ones can take years, let alone being ready to share with the country.

It is a true reflection on the recovery, strength, and wellness of all these individuals.

Live Webinar for Management Consultancy International – The MCI Institute Men’s Health Week

The MCI Institute is a fantastic organisation that offers online courses and support for people who want to increase their professional qualifications and undertake further study. They live by the motto "Because a Mind is a Powerful Thing to Use" and their mission is to open the doors of learning to all students, irrespective of their background or circumstances.