mental health

Mental Health Commission - Adam's Story

Adam Schwartz was just 10 years old when depression took hold of him for the first time. He can remember describing the feeling to his mother, saying his heart was ‘black’ and his body ‘full of anger’.


“It was a huge weight off my shoulders. For so long I had felt like my depression was a choice,” Adam explains.

Top 10 Ways To Staying Healthy - Radio Interview Top Ten at 10 | alive 90.5

Full interview below.

This week I had the privilege to speak with Ali Taylor. A very good friend of mine, radio host on alive 90.5, and CEO and creator of The Offical Top Ten Night, a charity organisation that directly supports Suicide Prevention Australia.

Discussing the top 10 ways to keeping healthy. Small, yet significant lifestyle changes anyone can incorporate into their lives, or to be more consciously aware of.

10. Exercise
9. Diet
8. Sleep
7. Professional support
6. Having something to look forward to

International Nurses Day - From a life saved, thank you!

Today is International Nurses Day. A day many of us wouldn’t know about.

I owe a lot to the nurses I’ve crossed paths with. In fact if any of us have ever had to experience the medical world and walk into a hospital either for ourselves, or a loved one, we owe more to the nurses we crossed paths with than we realise.

More gratitude, more appreciation, and more respect.

Graduating University - When you don't walk the traditional path

Graduating university; a significant achievement for some, an inevitability for others, and an impossibility for many.

I never imagined finishing university. Actually, that’s not entirely true.

Growing up, especially during high school, university was an inevitability for me. After all, that’s what you do, you go to high school, finish your exams, go to university and get a degree, and then get a job. That’s what we are taught to do, that’s the way the education system is structured. I never imaged any other path was realistic, let alone actually possible.

Happy Valentine’s Day - 40 Things I Think I Know About Love

Valentine’s Day, the day of love, can actually sometimes suck (and not in a good way).

In my world, it seems that everyone is in a serious relationship these days, or getting engaged or married, or having babies. Their Saturday nights are now date nights, Sundays are couple adventure days. A night out ends at 10, occasionally midnight, let alone anything later. Social media is of their romantic getaways, or anniversaries. Time they once had is very much limited. Things have changed.

RUOK Day | Who have you asked?

I received a call this afternoon from a friend of mine. She read my post about the importance of listening, and followed the links that provided tips on how to have a conversation about someone you’re concerned with. After asking “are you okay?” she was met with an “I’m fine”. When it was pushed, it was met with aggression.

She asked me:

“What can I do? How can I get someone I care for to acknowledge something isn’t right?”

Black Dog Institute & David Jones | Exercise your mood

It's great to be a part of the campaign launched between Black Dog Institute and David Jones kicking off with #exerciseyourmood month.

Exercise is just one of the important lifestyle changes that can be made to improve overall well-being. It's one of the tools I still use to maintain both my physical and mental health.

What happens when you speak to primary school kids about their mental health?

When I was asked to speak to years 5 and 6, from a local primary school about their mental health and wellbeing, I had no idea what to expect. However, what I took away from that day is something everyone needs to know.

To give some context, a few months ago I spoke to the year 10 students from a local high-school, as well as their teachers. Something I have done many times before. One of the people there that day was the assistant head of the senior preparatory school. Knowing all too well the situations of his students he knew that something like this was needed for them.

Expert guidelines: Diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in emergency service workers

A world first occurred this week, and it didn't involve space travel, or a new species. No new records have been broken, and Taylor Swift hasn't released a new album.

This world first involves the people who risk their lives to keep us safe, day in and day out.

The Black Dog Institute and the University of New South Wales, alongside several of Australia's leading organisations and mental health professionals, have developed and released a set of guidelines specifically designed for emergency workers.

Young People’s Human Rights Medal

I was both surprised and honoured when told about being selected as a finalist for the Australian Young People's Human Rights medal.

More so, I was deeply humbled to find out the group of inspiring young Australians I was a part of.