mental illness

What happens when you speak to primary school kids about their mental health?

When I was asked to speak to years 5 and 6, from a local primary school about their mental health and wellbeing, I had no idea what to expect. However, what I took away from that day is something everyone needs to know.

To give some context, a few months ago I spoke to the year 10 students from a local high-school, as well as their teachers. Something I have done many times before. One of the people there that day was the assistant head of the senior preparatory school. Knowing all too well the situations of his students he knew that something like this was needed for them.

Expert guidelines: Diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder in emergency service workers

A world first occurred this week, and it didn't involve space travel, or a new species. No new records have been broken, and Taylor Swift hasn't released a new album.

This world first involves the people who risk their lives to keep us safe, day in and day out.

The Black Dog Institute and the University of New South Wales, alongside several of Australia's leading organisations and mental health professionals, have developed and released a set of guidelines specifically designed for emergency workers.

Mum, I wish I was dead - A parents perspective | Mental As - ABC Radio - Jessica Bineth

As part of the ABC's Mental As programming, Jessica Bineth interviewed both mum and dad, to help give a parents perspective on my depression. It also sheds light on how a mental illness can affect more than just the sufferer.


"He called me into his room very upset one morning and said, 'mummy my heart is black, my body is full of anger and I wish I was dead'."

The road to recovery shouldn't be so dark | Niamh Slevin - The Australia Times GIVE magazine

Mental illness is often an uncomfortable topic for many as people have a lack of understanding or cannot comprehend. It is essential to share the facts and talk openly about experiences in order to equip others with knowledge and fight the stigma attached to mental illness that directly impacts on those affected.

“I told mum my heart is black, my body is full of anger and I want to die”

Sad taboo: Can We Talk Newcastle forum brings dark subject of mental health and suicide to the light | The Sunday Telegraph

Schwartz, now 25 and Taylor, 24, told their excruciatingly personal stories of mental ill-health at The Sunday Telegraph’s Can We Talk forum in Newcastle on Tuesday.

For both young people, the key to survival was finding the courage to tell their parents the truth about their feelings — and then trying several mental health professionals until they found one who ‘clicked’.

Heads Up: Young Black Dog volunteers share their personal battles with mental health | ABC News

I'm fortunate to be alongside 11 other amazing young people who have openly shared their stories, not just amongst friends, but to a national audience. For some, this may seem like a dream, however for others, it's the complete opposite; even acknowledging it within themselves, or being open with their loved ones can take years, let alone being ready to share with the country.

It is a true reflection on the recovery, strength, and wellness of all these individuals.

Black Dog Institute interview - Sharing my experiences and insights with suicide | ABC News - Heads Up campaign

A few weeks ago I did an interview with the Black Dog Institute discussing my experience with suicide, suicidal thoughts and ideations, how I got to such a dark place, and the importance of hope.

It's mainly been used for educational purposes in a program that is being designed for GP's to better understand suicide.