
Mental health: Adam Schwartz shares journey of hope through depression to help other sufferers | ABC News - Heads Up

The mental health journey of 24-year-old university student Adam Schwartz has taken him to the darkest places since he was 10, but "hope for the future" is what saved him from severe depression.

Mr Schwartz — who is now an author, speaker and Black Dog volunteer youth presenter based in Sydney — said he had suicidal thoughts from a young age.

"Mum has reminded me that when I was 10, I told her my heart is black, my body is full of anger, and that I wish I was dead," he said.

How electroconvulsive therapy is fighting mental illness one patient at a time - The Sunday Telegraph

Full article written by Ben Pike can be found at The Sunday Telegraph.

Coincidently, the previous week I was invited to be a guest lecturer at the New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry. I was there to mostly share my insights into what it is like as a young person going through the medical system with a mental illness, and to eventually receive electro convulsive therapy (ECT).

Courage in the face of depression – The AJN – Phoebe Roth

FOR many months during his teenage years, Adam Schwartz could hardly get out of bed, let alone leave the house. He would cry himself to sleep every night, and couldn’t bring himself to look in the mirror in the morning.

Schwartz, now 24, traces his crippling battle with depression back to when he was 10.

“Mum reminds me that I said to her one day, ‘My heart is black, my body is full of anger, and I wish I was dead.’ At 10,” he tells The AJN.

Michael McGirr reviews mum, i wish i was dead for the SMH

Article written by Michael McGirr for The Sydney Morning Herald - He reviews 3 new books relating to depression. 'mum, i wish i was dead', 'Reasons to Stay Alive', and 'The good Greek Girl'.

"Each of these three personal memoirs has elements that are truly frightening. They all describe a pain so intense and surly that the writer was prepared to die just to get a break from its irrational demands.Yet the very existence of these books is proof of a victory, if that's the right word."

I spoke with Linda Morris from the Sydney Morning Herald

Interview with Linda Morris for the The Sydney Morning Herald -

"Personal accounts like Schwartz's take courage and are uncommon, especially those that show the outcomes need not be bleak, says the eminent clinician of adolescent mental health, Professor Garry Walter. In Australia each year around 100 teenagers aged 15 to 19 – mainly male – suicide, many of whom are depressed."

The Wentworth Courier feature mum, i wish i was dead

In the Wentworth Courier this week, talking about my book 'mum i wish i was dead', as well as the main motivation behind writing it; to give hope to families and sufferers.

If a person's suffering can be alleviated, if one life can be saved by sharing this story, then this has been a success.