For Families, Friends & Carers

This section of resources is focused on people that are family, friends, or carers of someone who is suffering or has suffered with a mental illness, or are concerned about someone else’s mental wellbeing. It is also a good place for carers of individuals who are experiencing mental ill-health. Each resource is briefly described and although similar, each website offers their own perspective, assistance and information.

It may also be a good idea to see the Individuals section of resources as it is important to know what information the person you care about is receiving and to help direct them to appropriate sources if necessary. Additionally, there is also the Professionals resource section.




1300 22 4636


  • beyondblue assistance resource is a great place for carers and people who suffer with a mental illness. It explains all the professional fields where you can seek assistance and support. They explain what each person does, how to make an appointment and what to expect.
    Seeking out help and finding good professional support is a crucial step in the recovery process. It can be daunting to start this process however it is necessary for good health. The information might help alleviate some of the concern and caution when looking for help.
  • beyondblue treatments resource is a good place for people who are searching for more information on possible treatment options for depression and anxiety.
  • beyondblue self-harm resource is for people who are searching for information to better understand self-harm, why people do it, how to seek help as well as how to support someone you are concerned about.
  • beyondblue suicide prevention resource is for anyone that is searching for more information on preventing suicide. The information is extensive and covers emergency situations, understanding suicide, bereavement support, appropriate langue and more.
  • beyondblue find a professional resource is a good place for people who are searching for professional assistance. It is a national registry that allows you to search for specific assistance in the area that best suits your needs or the needs of someone you care about.
    This allows you to search for a clinical psychologist, general practitioner, social worker and more. Finding good professional help near you is a crucial step. It allows you to develop a support network and have people in place that will be able to direct you and provide the help and support needed.
    It is important to remember to find a person that works best for you or the person you are searching for. It can take time, but finding good professionals is one of the most vital steps in recovery and maintenance of mental health and over-all wellbeing.
  • beyondblue depression resource is a great place to go for anyone searching for more information specifically on depression. The information is extensive and covers causes of depression, signs and symptoms, treatments, staying well, people that can assist and more.
  • beyondblue anxiety resource is a great place to go for anyone searching for more information specifically on anxiety. The information is extensive and covers causes of anxiety, signs and symptoms, treatments, staying well, people that can assist and more.
  • beyondblue stories resource is a good place to go for both carers and suffers. It allows you to see and hear beyondblue’s ambassador’s experiences with mental health. It also allows you to share your own experiences as well as read other people’s experiences with mental illness. This can be a good way to help alleviate some of the feelings of loneliness, isolation and frustration. It also allows you to search for answers to questions you and many others may have.
  • beyondblue publications resource is a good starting point for anyone searching for resources on a variety of mental health issues. It is an easy to use search engine that sweeps beyondblue’s base of resources and information.
  • beyondblue carer resource is a great place for carers in search of more information to better equip yourself with tools to help support the ones you care for as well as information on caring for yourself.
  • beyondblue conversation resource is a great place for both carers and people who suffer that know a conversation needs to be had. For carers, the information helps equip you with the understanding and tools needed to start a conversation and what to be prepared for. For people who suffer, the information can helps you understand your emotions and how to explain what you are feeling as well as what to be prepared for.
    Starting the conversation from either end can be hard, but always remember to come from and open and honest place.




1800 55 1800

Kids Helpline

  • Parentline is a counselling service for parents and those who care for children and adolescents. Its aim is to nurture and support positive, caring relationships between parents, children, teenagers and significant other people who are important to the well-being of families.
  • Kids Helpline information resource is a good resource for carers of young people. It provides information on a variety of topics and issues that affect young people and how a carer can help and support them through it.
  • Kids Helpline parent’s resource is a good place for adults to gain information about online safety for their kids.




13 11 14


  • Lifeline help resource is a great place for both carers and people who are suffering with mental illness. It is the first step in helping you navigate to the resources, advice and help that best suits your needs.
  • Lifeline facts and information resource is a good place for carers, people who suffer with a mental illness or anyone who is searching for more information about mental health, looking for support, advice or assistance. It provides easy to navigate links to further resources and information that best suits your needs.
    Some of the topics covered include preventing suicide, asking for help, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self-harm, domestic problems and many more.
  • Lifeline stories resource is a good place for both carers and people who suffer, to share their experiences and learn from others. It can be a good way to help alleviate the feelings of loneliness, isolation and frustration that can come with mental illness.
  • Lifeline self-help resource is a good place for anyone who wants to increase their self-awareness and knowledge base of mental health. It provides a mental health quiz, a coping kit, tool kits and fact sheets.
  • Lifeline service finder resource is a good place to help find locations of physical services that can help assist in times of need near you.




1300 659 467

Suicide Call Back Service

  • Suicide Call Back Service concerned resource is for people who are concerned with someone else’s wellbeing and are worried they may be at risk of suicide. It is also a good location for people who want or need to further inform themselves on suicide. They have great information on a variety of areas such as why people become suicidal, how to help support a sufferer, signs and symptoms and looking after yourself.
  • Suicide Call Back Service bereavement resource is for people who have lost a loved one or anyone to suicide. It provides useful information to assist with the unknowns that come with such a terrible loss.




1800 650 890


  • eheadspace is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 – 25 or their family can chat, email or speak on the phone with a qualified youth mental health professional. For both people who are suffering and those caring for suffers.
  • headspace helping a friend resource is a good place to help equip young people with some tools who are concerned about a friend.
  • Sometimes the first step in getting professional help is from a General Practitioner (GP). headspace GP resource provides some good advice on what to expect which will help reduce some of the stress that comes along with this process.
  • headspace carer resource is a good place for parents and carers to better equip themselves with information on a variety of different topics regarding mental health and support for both themselves and the people they care for.
  • headspace stories resource is a place where parents and carers can share their experiences and read others experiences with mental illness. Suffers feel alone and isolated but so can their support networks, this can help reduce the sense of loneliness that comes with this experience.
  • headspace research resource is a good place that provides information on latest research, statistics and evidence in the field of mental health. There is an easy to use search bar to help you find what information you are looking for.
  • headspace location resource is the place to go to find the physical location of headspace centres across the country and the ones that are nearest to you.





1300 789 978

MensLine Australia

  • MensLine Australia support resource is a good place for partners of men to come and share experiences. It can be a good way to help reduce the feelings of hopelessness and frustration.




1300 286 463

Mind Australia

  • Mind Australia carer resource is a great place for anyone who cares for someone suffering with a mental illness. It links to information for communities, young people, support, and workshops.
  • Mind Australia stories resource is a good place for carers of people who suffer with mental illness to share their experiences as well as read other carer’s experiences. It can be a good way to help reduce the feelings of frustration and hopelessness that can come with being a carer.
  • Mind Australia offers a range of training and education courses for clients, their families and the broader community. Mind Australia workshops resource is a good place to improve your knowledge of mental illness and better equip yourself with tools to help support those in need.
  • Mind Australia mental ill-health resource is for anyone who is searching for more information on mental illness. It covers the major illness and gives a brief overview of the details on each one.
  • Mind Australia young people resource is a good place for young people who find themselves caring for someone with a mental illness. It provides information and redirects to further support.
  • Mind Australia peer-work resource is a great place for both professionals and people who care for others who suffer from mental illness. It redirects to further information and support specifically for carers and professionals.




1800 18 7263

SANE Australia

  • SANE Australia carer forum resource is a forum for carers and provides support, reassurance and information.
  • SANE Australia help resource is for both carers and people who suffer, their helpline provides general information about symptoms of mental illness, where to go for support and help for carers. It also has their online help service which is for specific mental health related questions. They usually respond within several working days.
  • SANE Australia facts and guides resource is great for both carers and people who are suffering. They provide authoritative, up-to-date, and easy-to-read explanations of a range of mental health problems and related issues. Their podcasts complement the Factsheets, providing comprehensive interviews on a growing range of topics to hear on your computer, iPod or other MP3 player.




Black Dog Institute

  • Black Dog Institute getting help resource is a good place for people who want more information on how to get help with their mental health or someone they care about. The easy to navigate tabs provide information that covers emergency help, when and where to seek help, tools and apps, clinical services, and more.
  • Black Dog Institute depression resource is a great place that covers a variety of areas relating to depression. The easy to navigate tabs covers information about what depression is, seeking helps, treatments, causes, types, as well as a self-test.
  • Black Dog Institute anxiety resource is a great place that covers a variety of areas relating to anxiety. The easy to navigate tabs includes information about what anxiety is, seeking help, treatments, causes, as well as a self-test.
  • Black Dog Institute bi-polar resource is a great place that covers a variety of areas relating to bi-polar. The easy to navigate tabs includes information about what bi-polar is, seeking help, treatments, causes, as well as a self-test.
  • Black Dog Institute helping others resource is a good place for people who are concerned about the wellbeing of a friend, family member, colleague, or loved one. The information provides some tools that may help better equip you through this process.
  • Black Dog Institute YouTube resource takes you to some videos of volunteers, researchers and staff and the Black Dog Institute. They share their stories and experiences with mental health. It can be a good way to help reduce some of the feelings of isolation and loneliness as well as better informing you about some of the aspects of mental health.
  • Black Dog Institute fact sheet resource is a great place for anyone who wants more information on a variety of mental health topics. The fact sheets are full of useful information. Some of the topics covered are depression, bi-polar, staying well, mood charts and more.
  • Black Dog Institute community resource is a great place for anyone who wants to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in their community.
  • Black Dog Institute workplaces resource is a great place for both employees and employers who want to help increase awareness and understanding of mental health in their workplace.
  • Black Dog Institute schools resource is a great place for teachers or anyone in an education environment that wants to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in their place of learning.




COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness)

  • COPMI family and friends resource is a good place for the general public as well as families and friends of people who are suffering with a mental illness. It gives useful and practical information on a variety of topics such as how to provide support and the warning signs and symptoms.
  • COPMI help and services resource is a good place for both carers and people who suffer with mental illness to find direct support and assistance, as well as the importance for seeking and finding good help. It also allows you to search for physical locations that can provide assistance near you.
  • COPMI kids and young people resource is a great place for kids, and young adults with parents who suffer with a mental illness. It provides a lot of good information to better help you understand the issues that come with mental illness, as well as how to look after and protect yourself.
  • COPMI advice resource is a good place for professionals and the general public to further increase their awareness, understanding and knowledge on areas regarding mental health. Including child protection, family law, general practice, and much more.





  • HeadsUp workplace support resource is a good place for anyone in a workplace to help increase your knowledge, awareness and understanding of mental health at work. The information covers having a conversation, supporting a colleague and more.
  • HeadsUp training resource is a good place for anyone in a workplace that wants to gain further resources and information or organise training for the workplace to better understand and speak about mental health.

  • ReachOut help resource is a good place for young people who are looking for help, both for themselves and others. It also provided information to help better understand what’s going on and tools on how to support yourself and those you care about.
  • ReachOut mental health resource is a great place for young people to find specific information on a variety of mental health concerns. The information includes signs and symptoms, shared stories and ideas for support and where to seek help.
  • ReachOut physical health resource is a good place for young people who are concerned with their or someone else’s physical health. Some of the information covers sleeping issues, eating disorders, self-harm and more.
  • ReachOut bullying, abuse, and violence resource provides helpful information for young people who have suffered with bullying, abuse and violence. The information can help better equip you with awareness and tools to support yourself and people you care about through these horrible moments, as well as ways to prevent them reoccurring.





  • RUOK ask a mate resource is a great place for anyone who is concerned with another person’s mental health. It provides the steps, resources and information on how to prepare yourself to start a conversation and how to ask “are you ok?” It also prepares you for possible responses to the question. Most importantly, remember to be genuine and open throughout the conversation.
  • RUOK stories resource is a good place for anyone who has doubts about the power of a question. It provides many shared stories about the impact and change asking “are you ok?” can have on a life. It also allows you to share your experiences. It can be a great way to help reduce the feelings of isolation and loneliness that come with a mental illness. It also is a good way to encourage people to stop and ask a genuine question.
  • RUOK events resource is a good place for anyone who wants to help start a conversation or organise a community event to spread the word and encourage open conversations about mental health.





  • mindhealthconnect carer resource is a good starting place for carers who are unsure what they are looking for or what type of assistance is required.
  • mindhealthconnect service location resource is for both carers and people who are a suffering. This provides information on physical places near you that can provide assistance. Hospitals, psychologists, psychiatrists, etc.
  • mindhealthconnect help resource is for both carers and people who are suffering. It gives access to available helplines and online chat services.
  • mindhealthconnect online resource gives access to online communities for both carers and people who are suffering. It is a great way to help alleviate the feelings of isolation and loneliness. It is always important to connect.




Australian Psychological Society (APS)

  • APS find a psychologist resource is the best place to go for anyone who wants to find a psychologist. It is an easy to use search engine that presents a list of psychologists that are best suited to your needs in the area you selected. It is also a good way to check qualifications and registration of a psychologist that may have been recommended to you.
    Even though this helps you narrow your search, it is always important to find a person that works best for you or the person you are searching for. It can take time, but finding a good psychologist is one of the most vital steps in recovery and maintenance of mental health and over-all wellbeing.
  • APS psychology resource is a good first place for anyone who wants to gain a better understanding and increase their knowledge and awareness of mental health. It is also a good place for people who are seeking out information on support and assistance either for themselves or someone they care about.
  • APS topics resource is a good place for people who want to gain more information on issues that can have an effect on a person’s mental health or specific mental illnesses. The information covers depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, stress, environmental problems and many more.
  • APS services resource is a good place for anyone who wants more information about the process of seeing a psychologist. It provides information on how to use Medicare, how to find a psychologist, why seeing a psychologist can be extremely beneficial and more.